How to call C or C++ DLL in C#

You can call functions in a dll using the following simple method

  1. you must know the function prototype (name of the function and its parameters and its return type)
  2. In your code use a code like the following where DllImport Specfies the dll where the function exists and the line under it specifies the function prototype.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace myNameSpace
public class MyClass
[DllImport("DLLPath.DLL")]public static extern int FunctionName(int Argument1, bool Argument2);

an Example for using DllImport is to use a Windows API functionwe will call a a function that can make you copy a file, its name is CopyFile and it is loacted in Kernel32.dll
this code sample demonstrate how to call this functionusing

namespace FileSystemClasses
public class FileSystem
[DllImport("Kernel32.DLL")]public static extern bool CopyFile(string strSourcePath, string strTargetPath, bool bOverwrite);public void TestDll(){FileSystem.CopyFile("c:\\a.txt", "c:\\b.txt", true);

there are other options that can be used with DllImport directive which gives some advanced options and more control which can be explained in another articleFor a list of Windows API Functions according to their usage go to: